
Top Reasons Investors Should Choose Financial Freezone

  • June 5, 2023

Dubai has become an increasingly attractive destination for entrepreneurs and investors seeking to set up and grow their businesses. One of the key factors that make Dubai an appealing choice for investors is its financial free zones, which provide a variety of benefits for businesses looking to establish a presence in the city. As a business consultancy based in the UAE, we have extensive experience helping entrepreneurs and investors navigate the process of setting up a business in Dubai’s financial freezones and can provide valuable guidance and support.

100% Foreign Ownership

One of the most significant advantages of setting up a business in a financial free zone in Dubai is 100% foreign ownership. This means that as an investor, you can own your business entirely without the need for a local partner or sponsor. The financial free zones are designed to attract foreign investors, and this policy is in line with that objective.

Tax Benefits

Dubai’s financial free zones offer tax benefits to investors. Companies operating in these free zones are exempt from corporate taxes for up to 50 years. This makes Dubai an attractive destination for investors looking to reduce their tax liability.

Infrastructure and Facilities

The financial free zones in Dubai offer world-class infrastructure and facilities to businesses. These free zones are equipped with modern office spaces, advanced telecommunication systems, high-speed internet, and other amenities that are essential for running a business smoothly. Moreover, the free zones have their own regulatory authorities, which ensure that businesses operate in a transparent and regulated environment.

Access to International Markets

Dubai is strategically located between Europe, Asia, and Africa, making it an ideal location for businesses that want to access these markets. Companies operating in the financial free zones in Dubai can take advantage of the city’s world-class logistics and transportation infrastructure to reach international markets quickly and efficiently.

Easy Company Setup

Setting up a company in Dubai’s financial free zones is relatively easy and straightforward. The process is designed to be fast and efficient, with minimal paperwork and bureaucracy.

Moreover, companies can start their operations within a few days of completing the setup process.

Freezone-Specific Incentives

Apart from the general benefits mentioned above, each financial free zone in Dubai offers specific incentives to investors. For example, the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) offers access to a common law judicial system, while the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) provides a range of services for businesses in the commodities sector.

Visa and Residency Benefits

Investors who set up their business in Dubai’s financial free zones can also benefit from the city’s visa and residency policies. Business owners and their employees can obtain residency visas that allow them to live and work in Dubai. Moreover, the free zones offer fast-track visa processing, which makes it easier for investors to bring in talent from around the world.


Dubai’s financial free zones offer several advantages to investors looking to set up and grow their businesses. With 100% foreign ownership, tax benefits, world-class infrastructure, access to international markets, easy company setup, freezone-specific incentives, and visa and residency benefits, the financial free zones in Dubai are an ideal destination for investors from around the world. Our consultancy firm can assist you in setting up your business in Dubai’s financial free zones and provide you with all the support you need to grow and succeed.


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