
Economic Substance Regulations
(ESR) in UAE

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With our professional financial services, you can make sure your company complies with the Economic Substance Regulations in the UAE. We support you in proving actual economic activity while preserving the compliance and reputation of your business. You may rely on us to adapt your business to the strict ESR regulations in the UAE.

Evaluation of your Compliance with ESRs

After your financial year closes, you must file a notification within six months if your UAE-based business engages in any Relevant Activities. Any earned revenue, details regarding the activities carried out, and whether the income was taxed outside of the United Arab Emirates should all be included in the notification. If your UAE-based company operates several branches, you simply need to submit one combined notification.

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The Economic Substance Regulations' (ESR) purpose

Tests of Economic Substances

Core Income Generating Activity (CIGA) Test

To pass this test, the primary activities must occur in the United Arab Emirates.

Control Test

You ought to plan and oversee your pertinent actions in the United Arab Emirates.

Adequacy Test

To pass this test, you must have enough money, assets, and full-time workers in the United Arab Emirates.

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Frequently Asked

Choose TVG business setup for a seamless company formation in Dubai. Our team provides top-notch services and ensuring your business establishment in the UAE is a resounding success. 

Regardless of location, businesses that engage in "Relevant Activities" are liable to ESR.

Should you submit your ESR reports beyond the deadline, you will be fined 20,000 AED. Ascertain compliance by sending in your reports by the deadline.

Legal action and penalties may follow noncompliance. In rare circumstances, it can compel the company to permanently close.

Since ESR reports are often annual, it's a good idea to check once a year for any new regulations.