
Business Trading Licences in Dubai

  • May 5, 2023

Dubai, one of the world’s most vibrant cities, is a hub for businesses and entrepreneurs looking to establish a presence in the Middle East. However, setting up a business in Dubai requires obtaining a business licence in Dubai Department of Economic Development (DED). The blog will provide information for individuals or companies in Dubai who are interested in obtaining a business licence. It will cover the different types of licences available and offer guidance on the application process.


Types of Business Licences in Dubai:

  1. Commercial Licence:

A commercial licence is issued to businesses that engage in trading activities, such as buying and selling goods. This licence suits companies that want to import/export goods, engage in wholesale or retail trade, or operate a restaurant or retail outlet.

  1. Professional Licence:

A professional licence is issued to individuals who offer professional services, such as accountants, doctors, engineers, consultants, and other service providers. This licence suits businesses that provide consultancy, technical or professional services.

  1. Industrial Licence:

An industrial licence is issued to businesses that engage in manufacturing or industrial activities. This licence is suitable for companies involved in production, manufacturing, or industrial activities, such as construction companies, factories, and mills.

  1. Tourism Licence:

A tourism licence is issued to businesses that operate in the tourism industry, such as travel agencies, tour operators, and hotels. This licence is suitable for companies that are involved in tourism-related activities.

  1. E-commerce Licence:

An e-commerce licence is issued to businesses that operate exclusively online. This licence is suitable for companies with an online presence selling products or services through their website.

  1. Freelance Licence:

A freelance licence is issued to individuals who work as freelancers and provide services such as writing, photography, and graphic design. This licence is suitable for individuals who work independently and do not have a physical office or employees.


How to Obtain a Business License in Dubai:

  1. Determine the type of licence:

The first step to obtaining a business licence in Dubai is to determine the type of licence that is suitable for your business.

  1. Choose a business activity:

Once you have determined the licence type, you need to choose a business activity compatible with your licence type. Each licence type has a list of permitted activities, and you must select a move compatible with your licence type.

  1. Choose a legal structure:

You must choose a legal structure for your business, such as a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a limited liability company (LLC).

  1. Reserve a trading name:

You must reserve a trading name for your business. The trade name should be unique and not already registered with the DED.

  1. Obtain approvals:

You must obtain licences from the relevant government agencies, such as the Dubai Municipality and the Dubai Civil Defense.

  1. Apply:

You need to apply for your business licence and all the required documents and fees to the DED.

Obtaining a business license in Dubai is a straightforward process that requires careful planning and preparation. By understanding the different types of business licenses in Dubai available and following the necessary steps to obtain a permit, you can establish a successful business in one of the world’s most dynamic cities.


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