Why start-ups and entrepreneurs consider Dubai as the launchpad

Why start-ups and entrepreneurs consider Dubai as the launchpad for their business

Dubai, a bustling metropolis in the United Arab Emirates, has garnered considerable attention from entrepreneurs worldwide due to its burgeoning reputation as a startup and small business hub. Entrepreneurs seeking to establish their ventures in an international city are increasingly drawn to Dubai. The city’s attractiveness can be attributed to several factors, including a favourable business environment that enables businesses to operate efficiently and cost-effectively. Additionally, Dubai’s strategic location at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa makes it a gateway to new markets. The city’s supportive policies and regulatory framework also play a critical role in attracting entrepreneurs, providing a range of benefits such as tax exemptions and 100% foreign ownership of businesses. With its diverse and cosmopolitan culture, world-class infrastructure, and entrepreneurial spirit, Dubai is an excellent destination for those looking to start or expand their business.



Dubai’s business environment has been shaped by multiple factors, and with the backing of government and semi-government organisations, entrepreneurs and startups are driving the city’s evolution into a hub of innovation with substantial investment support.


  • A favourable business environment

One of the main reasons why entrepreneurs consider Dubai as a destination for their business is its favourable business environment. Dubai has a stable and diversified economy, which attracts investors from around the world. It is known for its business-friendly policies, free zones and low tax rates that provide attractive incentives to entrepreneurs. Several initiatives have been introduced by the government to foster and promote entrepreneurship and innovation. For example, the Dubai SME initiative provides support to small and medium-sized enterprises to help them grow and succeed.


  • A strategic location

Dubai’s strategic location is another factor that makes it an attractive destination for entrepreneurs. The city is located between Europe, Asia, and Africa, making it an ideal location for businesses that operate in these regions. It is a hub for global trade, providing easy access to major markets in the Middle East and beyond. Dubai’s world-class infrastructure, including its airports and seaports, make it an important transit point for goods and services as well as an attractive location for businesses in the logistics and transportation sectors.


  • Supportive policies

Dubai’s government has introduced several policies to support entrepreneurs and businesses. One of these policies was the Dubai Expo in 2020, which attracted millions of visitors and created opportunities for businesses to showcase their products and services. The government has also launched several initiatives to promote innovation, including the Dubai Future Accelerators, which provides support to startups and entrepreneurs working on futuristic technologies.

  • A diverse and talented workforce

Dubai’s workforce is one of the most diverse and talented in the world. The city has a large pool of skilled and educated workers from all around the world, making it easy for businesses to find the talent they need. In addition, Dubai has a thriving startup ecosystem, which provides entrepreneurs with access to a network of like-minded individuals and mentors.


  • A high quality of life

Dubai offers a high quality of life, which is attractive to entrepreneurs and their families. The city is known for its world-class healthcare, education, entertainment and infrastructure, making it an ideal location for families. Dubai’s cosmopolitan culture also provides a unique blend of cultures, making it a great place to live and work.


  • Easy company setup

Setting up a company in Dubai is relatively easy and straightforward. The government has introduced several initiatives to streamline the process and to make it more efficient. In addition, there are several free zones in Dubai that offer a range of benefits to businesses, including tax exemptions and 100% ownership for foreign investors.


  • Access to funding

Dubai has a well-developed financial sector, providing entrepreneurs with access to a range of funding options. The city has several banks and financial institutions that offer loans and other forms of funding to businesses. In addition, there are several angel investor networks and venture capital firms that provide funding to startups and entrepreneurs.


As a leading business consultancy firm operating in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), we have observed a surge in the number of entrepreneurs who are interested in starting their businesses in Dubai. At TVG Consultancy, we recognize that starting a business in a new country can be a daunting task, especially for entrepreneurs who are not familiar with the local market and regulations. Therefore, our team of experienced consultants provides entrepreneurs with comprehensive and customised solutions to help them navigate the complex legal and regulatory landscape in Dubai.


We specialise in providing end-to-end services to entrepreneurs, including company registration and licensing, visa and immigration services, and office space procurement. We also offer ongoing support and guidance to our clients after their businesses have been set up, helping them with accounting and bookkeeping, tax advice, and business strategy development.

We believe that Dubai will continue to be a popular destination for entrepreneurs in the years to come, and we are committed to helping our clients succeed in this vibrant and dynamic business environment. With our expertise and experience, we are confident that we can help entrepreneurs establish and grow their businesses in Dubai, contributing to the city’s reputation as a global hub for entrepreneurship and innovation.

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